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wining & biking

Already in his time, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe succeeded in summarising this key idea in just a few words: “Life is far too short to drink bad wine”. Croatia is the perfect gourmet destination to ensure no life is wasted on unfavourable drinking choices – both for connoisseurs of good wines and lovers of a simple, delicious sip. For everyone knows; a red-gold sunset is best admired with a glass of the finest barrelled wine.

Our bike tours combine active cycling holidays with opportunities to taste and experience such culinary delights. Croatian wines are more than just a drink; holding a history and culture spanning back over a thousand years. The Greeks were the first to cultivate wine on Croatian soil followed by the Romans who, during their expeditions, continued the tradition. Later the Habsburgs perfected the art which was later refined over the centuries by the Croats themselves. Today the country’s vineyards extend over huge areas and wine is now one of Croatia’s most important sources of income.

Get to know the tastes of the diverse Croatian delicacies which are both unique and unmistakable in region and colour. Alongside all these pleasures you will be able to experience the regions where the grapes are grown and their histories up close. You would be hard pressed to find a more authentic, local experience. Feast also your eyes with the vast colour spectrum on offer; from wonderful burgundy wines to ruby reds, the heavy Teran or golden wines such as Žlahtina originating from the island of Krk in Istria. Also to be discovered are golden white wines; Grk, Posip and Marastina cultivated in the region of Dalmatia. There is something for every taste, the list is endless.

Grab your trekking or E-bike and cycle through the most fantastic wine-growing regions of Croatia. Past olive groves, deep green forests and along the beautiful Croatian coast. Unforgettable views and an occasional jump into the refreshing water will be your constant companions.

“Cycling for the body, wine for the soul”. A cycling experience for all senses!

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